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Submit your research papers for publication in upcoming Issue in English only .
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Impact Factor of the Journal:
GIF = 0.238
ISRA:JIF = 4.183
Call for Paper
Aim of The Society
The society Sri Tara Shankar Pachauri Memorial Welfare Trust (Reg. No. 641/2000) has been established in the managing trusteeship of Late Mr. D.L. Pachauri on the 9th day of March 2000. The office of the society is situated at 54-Shakuntla Nagar, Pratap Nagar, Agra (U.P.), India.

In the process of establishment of society, its management aimed at society welfare, child welfare, and women welfare. Its objectives were to develop and maintain schools, colleges, laboratories and research centers, etc. It’s also aiming at providing scholarships, stipends, prizes and other incentive to the students without any distinction as to caste, creed, color and race. The trust also aims at to publish books, magazines, articles and research journals on national and international levels.

Further the trust decided the objective of organizing workshops, seminars, symposia and conferences, etc. on the issue like pollution, population, agriculture, forestry, environmental biology, biotechnology, molecular biology, biodiversity, water conservation, energy conservation, rural development, non-formal education, community health, life sciences, education and commerce, etc. to develop the sense of citizenship in the society.

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